Do Good in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Do Good in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Life is fragile during every stage, but fragility gives us the chance to show strength. We are constantly given the opportunity to show the world what it means to stand together. The month of October is one of those chances.

During this month, we are given the chance to stand together and fight for a cure to Breast Cancer.

Good Deed of The Month Breast Cancer (1)


October is the month of fears coming to fruition, things hiding in the shadows just waiting to harm us all. It is the month when your greatest fears come to life and you’re given the chance to face those fears. For many, the fear is real. Women and men everywhere are diagnosed with breast cancer. This diagnosis affects the person, their family, their friends, their communities and the world. While you’re fending off the nightmares of ghosts and ghouls, you can make a bigger difference in the lives of many. The ultimate goal? Find a cure and change the world.

Until that day comes, that day of relief when a cure is found, we can make a difference in the lives of many. A little donation can help a family remain whole during treatments, can help those who can’t afford the treatments received them, help patients receive counseling and support and so much more.

Breast Cancer Awareness Banners

What’s the best way to show your support? The answer depends on you, and you alone. There are many different ways to help, just keep an eye out for pink. There are so many Goods that Give Back and by purchasing items that are pink and marked with the pink banner, you’re helping out. Some products donate a portion of the sale and others the entire sale.

If money isn’t something you can donate at this time, walk. There are multiple events and walks that you can do to lend a helping hand. Just by simply showing your support, you can make a huge difference.

This is a call to action, a call to the Good In Deed Community, it’s time for us to face our fears and stand behind those who are fighting. This is the time we embrace pink as our battle color and wear it with pride. Don’t forget, there are other good deed months you can still catch up on as well.