Good Deed Idea for Friends | Live in the Moment

Good Deed Idea for Friends | Live in the Moment

Live in the moment, we’ve all heard it before and we like to think we do it as often as possible. However, living in the moment doesn’t mean just being physically present in what’s going on in your life at that time. There is more to it than that and it could turn you into a better friend.

Be a good friend and live in the moment rather than just being physically present around your friends and family.

Live in the Moment

Be a good friend and live in the moment rather than just being physically present around your friends. What does living in the moment mean to you? Most people will say simply paying attention to what’s going on in your life. That answer is fair and even partially correct.

However, there is more to being in the moment and it can help you be a better friend. The problem isn’t necessarily us, it is a mixture of things. However, the main reason we find it hard to live in the moment these days is that our lives are spread out.

For example, you’re out to lunch with a friend but also on your phone with another friend, maybe a partner or even a family member. We all know it’s rude to be on the phone when around the company, but what about texting, messaging, liking, or scrolling through friends’ feeds?

We are not in the moment anymore, we are on our phones. But why does it matter if you are physically in the moment?

Live in the Moment Three Women Posing for a Photo Together

Shared Memories

Think of a time you had fun with a friend or even a group of friends. Now ask your friends individually how they remember that moment. You may find that everyone remembers it differently or that they don’t remember it at all. Not everyone was in the moment at that moment.

But you may also find that everyone remembers it similar or exactly as you do. Everyone being on the same page will show you everyone was in that moment. Shared memories help connect us, help us bond and become even closer friends. That is why it is better to live in the moment with friends. 

Being a Good Friend

It is pretty obvious that being a good friend means being a listener when needed. It is also fair to say that texting someone while a friend is sitting in front of you spilling their guts about something is also rude. But it’s more than rud, it is being a terrible friend.

However, that is an obvious example, and not living in the moment isn’t so obvious. Maybe you think you can shoot off a quick text while your friend is grabbing a drink or while they are in the bathroom. That’s fine, they aren’t around you, right? But where is your mind when they return? Are you thinking about the moment or thinking about the text you just sent awaiting a response? 

Live in the Moment a Group of Women Outside Laughing Together

How to Live in the Moment

We now understand that living in the moment means giving that moment your full attention; but how? Simple, put your phone down and be present mentally. There was a time when cell phones didn’t exist and an argument could be made that friendships during those times were a lot closer.

We just need to get back to that time as often as possible. We don’t need to ditch the phone completely, it is fantastic for emergencies and even taking photos. But maybe we don’t need to keep it in hand as much when we are hanging out with friends.