Leave a Comment on a Website You Love as a Good Deed

When people start a blog or companies build websites their intent is to share information. These websites open themselves up to criticism from people all around the world. When we comment on a website, we’re showing them that we visited their site. That comment could show them that we care about the same things they do or that we’re grateful for them putting in the work to spread the word on any given topic. To build a website requires a lot of work and maintenance and we should show our appreciation for their work and time.

Comment on a website and let them know that the work they do is appreciated, even if you’re the only one to comment on a post.

Comment on a website and let them know that the work they do is appreciated, even if you’re the only one to comment on a post.

The Website

Every single day we visit multiple websites to get information on any topic that may affect our lives. These websites could be built by a company or by an individual. If a website is created by an individual, that website shares ideas, feelings, viewpoints and more. Think about the websites you visit most and why you visit them. Maybe the website is for news or to read another’s ideas that either coincide or differ from your own. These are the websites that you’ll want to comment on the most, showing that you’re not just a number on a visitor counter; you’re a person who cares about the work they’ve done.

The Internet

One of the biggest problems and advantages to the internet is the anonymity of you. When we visit a website we’re often seen as just an IP address or number to the creator of the website. However, each number is a person, you are one of those numbers. The creator of a website puts time and effort into their work. Without comments, all the work is for nothing more than a number.

Comment on a website and let them know that the work they do is appreciated, even if you’re the only one to comment on a post.

The Comment

To help show your appreciation for a body of work done on the internet you have the ability to comment a website. That comment can be nothing more than a thank you or you can keep the discussion going. Share your opinions, ask for clarification, be an active member of the community that website is attempting to build. By commenting on someone’s website, you simply show that those numbers are more than just numbers, there are real people there. You are a real person and you care about what these websites are saying.

The Good Deed

Most charities offer a website that shares information on any given issue in the world. If you’re unable to donate or even if you’ve already donated, comment on a website as well. Let the builder of the website know that you appreciate all of the work they do for the cause. Show them that their voices are being heard and they’re not alone.