Doing Good Deeds for Three Years

Doing Good Deeds for Three Years

Another year has passed at Good In Deed and we are now celebrating three years of good deeds. We like to celebrate birthdays by taking a look back at the year that has passed and forward to the coming year. The Good In Deed community has packed the past year with good deeds, random acts of kindness and inspiring others to do the same. As we turn the page to our next chapter we invite you to celebrate our third year of good deeds and inspire others for another year of doing good deeds.

Doing good deeds for over three years the Good In Deed community has been a source of inspiration and motivation for others to pass it on.

Doing good deeds for over three years the Good In Deed community has been a source of inspiration and motivation for others to pass it on.

Year of Drives

Over the past year, Good In Deed has held many drives that have all been supported by the Good In Deed community. We’ve collected clothing for our vets, food for local pantries, books for the library, crayons and dollars for children in hospitals, toys for troops, and clothing for Hope Pickup. Every drive has turned out to be a success and it’s all thanks to the Good In Deed community. Now that we’re three years old, we plan to do more drives and do more good in local and global communities.

Year of Inspiration

For three years we’ve made it a point to inspire others to do good in any way possible. We’ve been lucky enough to be included in Newsweek and get not one but two publishing deals. These opportunities have led to the Good In Deed community inspiring others. We aren’t the only ones who work hard to inspire giving in others; celebrities have been a great source of inspiration. As three-year-olds, we’re starting to take more of an interest in what celebrities are doing around the world and we will be sharing those things with you.

Doing good deeds for over three years the Good In Deed community has been a source of inspiration and motivation for others to pass it on.

Year of Randomness

In our three years of doing good deeds, we’ve learned that some of the best good deeds aren’t planned. In fact, the best good deeds are completely random. All year long we’ve been giving ideas for one random act of kindness. There are more random acts coming your way so be sure to pay close attention to new ideas. It’s the little things we do as the Good In Deed community that makes the biggest differences in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, countries and worlds.

We’re so proud of the entire community for making it to three years of good deeds and we can’t wait to see what unfolds as we head towards four.