Good Deed of the Month: Put Shopping Carts Away

Good Deed of the Month: Put Shopping Carts Away

We have all been shopping and when we arrive at the parking lot, there are no spaces. Then, after you’ve driven around for what feels like an hour, you notice a spot from far away. You think, today is your lucky day, and it could be. But as you pull up to that spot you learn why it is empty, a shopping cart is in the middle of the spot. We can do some random kindness this month and all you need to do is put shopping carts away.

Random acts of kindness are easier than you think, in fact, you could just put shopping carts away and consider that an act of kindness.

Random acts of kindness are easier than you think, in fact, you could just put shopping carts away and consider that an act of kindness.

What is a Random Act of Kindness?

Simply put, a random act of kindness or RAOK is exactly what it sounds like, a random good deed of any size. Some RAOKs could involve you helping a friend or a complete stranger, they could happen at the store or at a gas pump. No matter a RAOK happens, the important thing is that it could potentially start a chain reaction. Do something nice for a stranger and they may do something nice for someone too and so on and so forth. The perfect example of this is when you let someone get in front of you in traffic. If it is obvious that you let them in, they could wave and say thanks. Then, a short while later, they could let someone in front of them. That was a chain reaction.

Parking Lot Misery

We all do them, and many of us despise them, errands. Errands need to be done and could get in the way of a lot of things in life. But we still need to do them and that means finding a parking spot. Not only do we often run into a problem with shopping carts in a parking spot but we also need to safely navigate pedestrians coming and going. Carts get in the way but pedestrians could change your life if a mistake is made. Many of us have grown accustomed to these obstacles and therefore put no second thought into it. However, if you stop to consider how dangerous a parking lot can be, you start to realize just how kind it would be to do your part.

Random acts of kindness are easier than you think, in fact, you could just put shopping carts away and consider that an act of kindness.

Why Put Shopping Carts Away?

Shopping carts are on wheels and that means they move around very easily. This is why it is important to put shopping carts away. If a cart randomly rolls out in front of a car, makes that car swerve and pushes it right into the path of a pedestrian, things can get really bad. At the very least, a good driver will just brake and let the cart hit their car but that means paying for damages. So, if you see a cart on your way to or from a store, sitting in the parking lot, do your part and put it where it belongs. Most parking lots have places sprinkled throughout the lot for carts which means one is never too far away.