Ways to Welcome New Neighbors

Ways to Welcome New Neighbors

There once was a time when if a new family moved into our community we would welcome them. This welcoming usually came with a baked good or a casserole. We may not have time to do all of that anymore but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. We should all be finding ways to welcome new neighbors into our communities. Who knows, you may even make a new friend that you weren’t expecting. But more importantly, you will make that person or family feel welcomed. 

Once you’ve found a few ways to welcome new neighbors to your community you can start making people feel noticed in the best way possible. 

Once you’ve found a few ways to welcome new neighbors to your community you can start making people feel noticed in the best way possible. 


Of course, introductions are a great place to start. First, give the new neighbors a chance to settle into their new home. Two to three days should be enough. Then, head over to their home with your family and simply introduce yourself. Start by asking their names, if they have children or pets, or simply what brought them to this neighborhood. 

The New Casserole

Bringing a casserole to a new neighbor is so 1955. Today, we are more aware of food allergies and preferences. Do not bring food to your new neighbor. You may not know if there are any food allergies or preferences. Instead, bring a welcome basket. Fill this basket with coupons for local, nearby stores, a map of parks or anything else you think might come in handy for someone new to the area. You could also bring them a housewarming gift, nothing too big but something nice. A house plant or a porch decoration will do just fine. 

Dinner Party

The best way to meet a large group of people is to just rip the band-aid off. A dinner party could include your other friends from the neighborhood. Now that you’ve introduced yourself, invite them over for a dinner party. Be sure to ask about any food allergies if you decide to go this route. Then, invite other neighbors to the party so that the newcomers can meet everyone at once. 

Once you’ve found a few ways to welcome new neighbors to your community you can start making people feel noticed in the best way possible. 

Read the Room

Sometimes, new neighbors prefer privacy rather than community. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Your introductions should help you read the room and determine which type of neighbor they are. If they prefer privacy, skip the dinner party and respect their privacy. Remember that everyone is different and some people may not be a social butterfly like you. Kindness goes a long way though. Be sure to always be kind, smile at them if you pass them by, say hello, just don’t take offense to their preferences. 

Social Media

If your new neighbors are ready to get more involved, ask to befriend them on social media. Invite them to join your group if you’re a part of a local Facebook group. You could also introduce them to other neighbors digitally. This is a great way to allow them to take their time to adjust to the new setting, new people, and new community. 

A Month Later

After you’ve introduced yourself, wait a month before doing anything bigger. Your neighbors might be feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that is going on. Give them plenty of time before inviting them to the next group camping trip. Drop by a month after your initial introduction just to say hi, check-in, and see how things are going. This will show that you care and have been thinking about them in a great way. You can use any mixture of these ways to welcome new neighbors, each one is amazing.