Good Deed of The Month: Introduce Yourself to Someone New

Good Deed of The Month: Introduce Yourself to Someone New

Every day we go through our routines from beginning to end. Through those routines we come in contact with people, we don’t know. Sometimes, we see the same people almost every day of the week and know nothing about them, not even their name. Make it a point to introduce yourself to someone you see every day but don’t know.

You could make a change in someone’s life if you just introduce yourself.

We see more strangers than we could count on our hands on any given day so why not introduce yourself to someone new this time around?

Many of us are very busy throughout our day. We don’t even realize that the people who we walk by have an entire life all their own. The people we walk by have wives or husbands, parents or children, jobs, and dreams. However, we’re so focused on our own life that we seem to forget that we’re surrounded by people.

While we may realize that people are living their lives, we don’t know exactly what is going on with them. It may not be our business or our concern, but you never know when those people may need you. Have you ever been going through your day, feeling a bit down, and just wished someone could help? You would never get that help by staying to yourself and ignoring the strangers around you.

Introduce Yourself During Daily Routine

Make a difference in the life of someone new and maybe even plant the seeds of a new relationship. All you need to do is introduce yourself to those people you see almost every day. While not every single one of them will open up to you and tell you exactly what they need, but they don’t need to. Just by introducing yourself, you’re telling someone that you noticed them. You tell this stranger, who walks by unnoticed every day that they matter and aren’t invisible.

Good deeds could always be an easy task. Not every act of kindness requires you to spend money, lose time or work very hard. Instead, some random acts of kindness only need an introduction.