Why You Should Be Kind to Yourself

Why You Should Be Kind to Yourself

There is a saying about charity that we may all be familiar with, “Charity starts at home” and it’s true. But there should be another saying that is just as popular, “Kindness starts with you”. There are so many reasons why you should be kind to yourself. You may find it easier to be kind to others only after you’ve been kind to yourself. Think about it this way, it is easier to be nice to people when you are in a good mood. But being nice to others is just the beginning. You should be kind to yourself in as many ways as possible so that you can make a difference in the lives of those around you.

You should be kind to yourself in as many ways as possible so that you can make a difference in the lives of those around you.

Sharing the Kindness

The most obvious reason to be kind to yourself is it makes it easier to be kind to others. There is no need to admit anything aloud. However, we all have had our slip ups when we project our feelings onto others. One of the easiest examples of this is road rage. Road rage often occurs when we are running late for something. We project our anger at slow drivers or people who get in our way. Internally, we know that that random person has nothing to do with our problem but that doesn’t stop us from getting angry at them. But if you admit to yourself before you even get in the car that you are late; you are the reason you are late and you will be okay then maybe you won’t get so angry at the other drivers on the road.

Why You Should Be Kind to Yourself Man Wearing Sunglasses and Smiling

Reflection vs Unkindness

You may think that blaming yourself for being late is being unkind to yourself. However, there is a difference between self-reflection and being unkind. Self-reflection allows you to point out a mistake you may be making and change it. It is not always easy to reflect on yourself, to point out things you may be doing that get in your own way. But it is a wonderful way to grow and learn even when we may think we know everything we need to know. But most importantly, no one will have more power over how you feel on any given day than you.

Be Kind to Yourself and Spread the Kindness

You can easily spread kindness after you have learned how to be kind to yourself. You made a mistake; you ran late to work or school or any appointment. But you recognized that mistake and told yourself it will be okay; you are not less of a person than you were when you went to bed last night. Now, you see someone else make a mistake. Instead of getting angry about it you will naturally go to, it’s okay, that person is not less of a person than they were the last time we spoke. Being kind to yourself allows you to become more understanding of others.

Why You Should Be Kind to Yourself Woman Laying in Grass

Understanding is Key

The key to happiness is learning how to be kind to yourself. There are so many benefits of being kind to yourself that really make a difference in your life. Sleep becomes easier, you come off as more confident, confidence makes you more attractive, but most importantly is your ability to help has grown. You become more understanding of others and can help them through rough times. For example, you can see someone beating up on themselves. You have learned and practiced the difference between beating yourself up and self-reflection. Now, you can help that person find the difference and even better understand what they are going through.