We find it acceptable to tip waiters and waitresses, drivers, food delivery workers and many other people throughout our day to day lives. But there are people who work for us regularly, even daily that some of us are completely ignoring. To make things worse, we are going through a trying time right now, yet they are still living their working lives as normal. That is why we want to shed a light and suggest you tip public service people this holiday season. You can tip public service people as a good deed this holiday season not because they need charity but to show appreciation for what they do for us.
Daily Public Services
We all utilize public services daily. There are many different public service jobs, but we are going to focus on the ones we interact with daily. These workers include the people who pick up our trash weekly, mail people, and even delivery drivers. These are the people who continue to work even if the rest of the world shuts down. They help keep our homes and communities clean, help deliver packages so that you don’t have to put yourself at risk and make sure we can stay in contact with family and friends even without the use of technology. They play important roles in our lives and it is time we let them know we appreciate the things they do.
What to Tip Public Service People
Many of us know that we have the usual mail person, we even recognize our UPS delivery person. Of course, they may get sick like the rest of us and we see a different face for a package here or there or a different mail person for a time. However, we usually have the same person doing it all for us with every package or letter. All the same can be said for our garbage pickup person as well. The question is, what is all that work worth to us? We can’t simply take 15-20% of the bill and tip them that. Most financial websites recommend anything from $10-$30 for a tip. Of course, you could also make it a gift card or an actual gift. Realistically, the size of the gift or tip doesn’t matter because they won’t be expecting anything at all.
How to Tip Public Workers
The best way is to hand them the tip yourself. You may need to get up a little earlier, but every good deed requires a bit of sacrifice and an early morning is not that big of a deal. We could wake up early to be sure you’re there when your garbage person arrives. You can also be on the lookout for your mail person or package delivery person. One person suggests leaving the gift in a place where the public service worker will see it. This good deed will require a bit of awkward effort, glancing out your window regularly, opening the door before a delivery person leaves. The awkwardness will all be forgiven once they realize you are trying to tip public service people.