A local library is a place where we all can go to gain knowledge. The most valuable thing we have as a society is knowledge. The problem is, the library is fading away. What was once an attractive place to read, enjoy book clubs, and get work done is being replaced with technology. To keep the...
Parking meters are a gamble for thousands of people every day. We park at the meter, try and figure out how long we will be gone for, and then add some change to the meter. If everything goes according to plan, you will come back in time to either add more change or leave before the meter runs...
Everyday we surround ourselves with other members of our community. What we may not know, is the lives and stories behind every face we see throughout our community. You may not know that one or more of those faces has an extra stop to make to get groceries to feed their family or themselves....
The men and women who join the military see each other as family, brothers and sisters who have an urge to protect their country. In the name of their family, fifteen veterans gathered together to start a war here in America. That war is fought under the banner of Vietnam Veterans of America...
Sometimes we want to donate money to a cause but have to make a decision. That decision is often between buying something we need or donating to a cause. We want to do good things but our finances won’t allow for the extra spending. Thankfully, there is a way to still get involved and get what you...
Bringing the teacher an apple was always a good way to show your teacher you cared. The random act of kindness(RAOK) could brighten the teachers day. While that tradition is long gone, the act of doing something kind doesn’t have to be. There are ways to keep the kindness spreading and stay hip to...
Getting involved in hashtags and drives are a great way to show support for those in need. The best part is that they reach global scale most times. However, sometimes we miss out on things going on right next door, right down the street, in the same town or city, in the same state. We also find...
Last year, the Good In Deed community gathered together for a very good cause, the One Warm Coat organization. The goal was to collect donations and coats in order to provide warmth to those who go without. As always, the GID community succeeded and surpassed our original goal. We are getting...
Another year of good deeds has past and we have a new year ahead of us. Before we start spreading good deeds and completing random acts of kindness in 2016, let’s take a look-back. 2015 was a year of great accomplishment, especially within the Good In Deed Community. We have helped families...
Christmas is a time of family and friends, a time when we are meant to celebrate the things that we have and share them with those around us. While many of us in the Orange County area have plenty to share, there are still many families that don’t have as much. That is where the Good in Deed...
Our days are full of errands and things that need to get done. You could have a morning routine that includes a trip to Starbucks, or your favorite coffee spot. Maybe on your lunch hour you got to your favorite diner or sandwich place. No matter where your day takes you, there is always an...
Life is fragile during every stage, but fragility gives us the chance to show strength. We are constantly given the opportunity to show the world what it means to stand together. The month of October is one of those chances. During this month, we are given the chance to stand together and fight...