The National Association of Experts, Writers, and Speakers (NAEWS) has one mission, to help others grow their business through the experience of others. Members of the association are business owners that are looking to succeed in their market. Good In Deed founder Kelly Smith Parker has been...
Beauty products are a part of every woman’s life in one way or another. Even if we don’t use that much makeup, we use other beauty products daily. While on the surface beauty products are nice, they can get even better. When you find beauty products that not only work well but work well for others...
Dinner is a meal that we once shared with family and friends. However, for some people, dinner has become a meal that is eaten in front of a television. There’s nothing wrong with how you decide to eat your last meal of the day but it does hold opportunity. You have the opportunity to share a meal...
Another year has passed at Good In Deed and we are now celebrating three years of good deeds. We like to celebrate birthdays by taking a look back at the year that has passed and forward to the coming year. The Good In Deed community has packed the past year with good deeds, random acts of...
Everyone is working towards the next big thing in their industry no matter what the industry. The Good In Deed community has been featured in Newsweek Magazine for being the next big thing in the industry of good deeds. There are many ways the Good In Deed community qualifies to be the next big...
One of the best parts of doing a good deed is the randomness of it all. Imagine someone you know, giving you a gift for no reason; the feeling is incredible. Now imagine getting a gift, any kind of donation, from a complete stranger for no reason. For some, that could mean getting a glimmer of...
It’s that time of year again Giving Tuesday is on the horizon. All year long the Good In Deed community works hard to give back in any way. Everything from large donations to small random acts of kindness have been completed. Every single act makes a difference no matter the size. On Giving...
It’s an exciting time for Good In Deed and Kelly Smith Parker, the founder of Good In Deed. As part of a group of successful professionals and experts, Kelly has signed a publishing deal to co-write a new book titled The Road to Success Volume 2: Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals...
When you buy a gift for someone you’re doing something nice for that one person receiving a gift. However, there are ways for you to buy a gift and do good for more than just one person. These perfect gifts that do good by donating portions of the price to charity, or help keep programs in place...
Bringing the teacher an apple was always a good way to show your teacher you cared. The random act of kindness(RAOK) could brighten the teachers day. While that tradition is long gone, the act of doing something kind doesn’t have to be. There are ways to keep the kindness spreading and stay hip to...
One of the biggest ideas that the Good In Deed community believes is that sharing a good deed isn’t about bragging or expecting praise. Instead, sharing our good deeds is a way to inspire others and start a chain reaction. This chain reaction has been going on since March of 2014. While it’s not...
Christmas is a time of family and friends, a time when we are meant to celebrate the things that we have and share them with those around us. While many of us in the Orange County area have plenty to share, there are still many families that don’t have as much. That is where the Good in Deed...